Welcome to Edgemere Elementary's Website
“Edgemere Elementary School community is an environment of excellence in teaching and learning where students reach high academic standards and learn to be self-motivated, well-rounded citizens.”
It is a pleasure to have you visit our website. We have worked to make this website an interactive way to provide you with information about our school. Here you will find general, school-wide information as well as more specific information about grade levels and teachers. We will do our best to update our website on a regular basis. We welcome your comments and suggestions and hope that you return often.
We Miss Our Bluejays!
We know it will be hard to start our school year virtual, but we are glad to know all our Bluejays will be staying safe. As we learn more information, we will continue to update our website! Keep checking back on our 一兔子的加速器 for support with remote learning, which will be updated as we receive information.
Please contact the teacher, Mr. Ament, or Mrs. Ellick with any questions or concerns about your students at home work.

... still hard at work!